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mer23apr09:30mer10:30Storytime with teacher Kate: Civics09:30 - 10:30 TipoIncontro formativoSerieStorytime with teacher KateOnline

Dettagli dell'evento

Alla scoperta della cultura inglese attraverso il fascino della lettura ad alta voce. Ad accompagnarci in questo viaggio tra le vie di Londra, la nostra super teacher Kate, che leggerà due libri dalla collana Smart Readers: Eli and Ila go to London e Piccadilly Mystery.

Raffaello Libri s.p.a., di cui Celtic Publishing è un marchio, è ente accreditato dal MIM per la formazione del personale docente (DM 170/2016).

Iscriviti all’incontro


23 aprile 2025 09:30 - 10:30

Speaker dell'evento

  • Kate Cartwright

    Kate Cartwright

    Kate Cartwright is an ELT teacher, teacher trainer and materials creator. She has been working with various projects in Italian infant, primary and secondary schools for over 25yrs. Her approach to teaching is connection-based and involves storytelling, video-telling, theatre, TPR (Total Physical Response), music, art and STEAM activities. She has collaborated with Raffaello since 2018 and is looking forward to introducing you to some great stories in English.